Friday, January 29, 2010

still not on usual

since this is "supposed" to be my confessions, then i must first confess that i love that i can pick & choose the color & font for my writings, or ramblings as they seem more likely to be. 

as usual, i had tons of things floating around in my head when i set out to start this entry, but alas, they have all gone into hiding and i am left typing whatever comes into my mind as my fingers move across the keyboard. here's confession #2 (in case you're keeping track) my vision is slightly blurry from the 2 glasses of wine that i have had tonight. it's not like bad's like end of the month time to change the contacts blurry so i can't blame it completely on the wine.

confession #3: i haven't gotten back on track as far as healthy eating and exercising is concerned...while i'm at it, my budget planning has gone down the crapper, too. all in all not great for me and getting things back on track with the start of the new year. oh, well, that seems to be the story of my life...nothing is ever on track or going the way i'd envision it to go. i have worked out some, just not on a consistent basis. i have also attempted to eat healthier...again, just not consistently. as for the budgeting thing...that's never been an easy thing for me so i'm not surprised in the least little bit about that!

confession #4: i have read 3 books this month, 2 fiction & 1 non-fiction. i'm pretty proud of myself for that considering the fact that i didn't think i would make it through even one book. truth being told, i didn't really like the 2 fiction books, but since i bought them i felt an odd obligation to finish them. i get that way about things that i pay for...well, really, it's just that way with things like books, food, & drinks; i don't want to be wasteful is all.

confession #5 (and the final one for the night): i worked-out tonight while hubby took the kids out. i did a couple at-home workouts that i had recorded on my dvr. as a side note, i love my dvr and couldn't imagine my life without it (materialistic as that may be, it is completely true). anyway, i did 2 gilad workouts and damn if my ass doesn't hurt! i worked muscles that i didn't even know i had! i'm a little afraid of how sore i may feel tomorrow, but am really glad that i did them!

since it is still january (at least for a couple more days) i can say that i'm still trying to get my "new year" routine into gear.  so i'm newly, non-resolving (since i previously said that i wasn't doing resolutions) to read 2 books a month-one fiction, one non-fiction-and really that's the only thing. i can't even attempt to figure out a workout schedule or a healthy eating plan since i almost always play that by ear depending on how i feel each day. i have started trying to bake or cook new healthy type things so that's one step in the right direction.

this has so totally veered away from what i had originally intended to write & for that i will blame the wine!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

back in the to speak

obviously i took some time off from updating this blog...actually, it's more like i turned my back on it completely since it's been almost a year since my last post! i could say that time just got away from me, but the truth is i just stopped feeling the urge/need/desire/etc to continue writing. but, alas(!), my desire has returned and i'm back to try this whole blogging thing yet again! past journaling/blogging history tells me though that even this attempt at starting over will eventually end just as all the others have...i'm not the best at sticking to things; good at starting them, not so good at finishing them. it's a new year though & i'm gonna try my best to update this blog at least once a week...more if the mood strikes, but i'm trying to keep my own expectations low at least for now. and since this is my "exercising blog", i suppose i should at least occassionally mention exercise...i'll do my best with that, as well.

with this being the close of the first week of the new year i thought i would go ahead and mention that i decided not to make resolutions this year. they've never really done me any good in the past & so i figured why make them. now just because i decided not to make them doesn't necessarily mean that i didn't at least think about making some...i'm always thinking so naturally i thought of lots of resolutions that i could make. here are just a few examples:

resolution 1: same as every year, i say that i'm going to read at least one new book every month for the year. that usually lasts long enough for me to hit up a book store, buy 3 or 4 books that look interesting, read 1 of them & then realize that i have far too many other things to do than sit around reading! therefore, that one bites the dust within the first month

resolution 2: i will make a quilt every month...from start to finish. that one never really gets beyond me going to the fabric store!

resolution 3: i will no longer procrastinate...haha, that's a funny one!

resolution 4: i will workout in some way, every day, for at least 30 minutes. that one actually sticks around for a while in some form or another. i do try to get in some exercise 5-6 days a week.

i could go on and on, bringing up past resolutions that i repeatedly make only to let them slip away before we've made it through half the year. but, like i said, i'm not making resolutions this year so why bother thinking about past ones. time to move on & get back into the exercise groove of things!

here's my exercise confession for the week (so far): i've gone to the y twice this week, working on cardio for 60 minutes each time. on monday i also played around with the new wii fit plus game for about an hour. and yesterday i drove my husband crazy by marching in place while i folded the towels. so far, so least in my humble, exhausted opinion!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

my night out! edwin mccain concert

i had a great night out last night...went to see edwin mccain at the windjammer in isle of palms and it was fantastic! yes, i went by myself and no, it didn't bother me at all. i've always wanted to see him in concert and was checking out his website a few months ago to see if he was coming anywhere close to me...low and behold he was and i got so excited!

it was in a little bar type place so there was very, very limited seating...something like 3 rows of chairs with about 10-12 seats per row. having never been there before i was not prepared for the near 4 hours of standing in boots that really are just for show not for comfort! but the bonus about having to stand and the smallness of the place meant that i got very close to the stage and i loved that! by the encore i was standing right at the edge and got some decent pictures...i say decent only because my camera phone is not the greatest! it really was so cool being about 10 feet away from where he and the other 2 guys were playing!

i was surprised by the amount of older people in the crowd, but not that women clearly outnumbered men. good number of couples and groups that were made up of just women or a few women with a man sprinkled in here or there! i was slightly afraid that i would stick out being that i was alone, but no one even noticed me and that really was ok in the end. there were lots of cell phone cameras going off and a few actual cameras as well...guess with everyone having cameras on their phones these days, it's just too hard to tell everyone no pics! i took tons of pics and am slowly working on getting them off there and onto my's slow going since i haven't figured out a quick way to take them off just yet. plus my phone has started to protest and is not cooperating with me any longer...deciding instead to continually restart itself!

so, this being the first concert that i have been too in over 5 years, i was putting tons of expectation on the whole thing. i will gladly say that it totally lived up to any and all expectations that i had! the opening act came out at 8, a guy named patrick davis (i think), just him and his guitar for about an hour. he was really good and i was tempted to get his cd, but didn't in the end! then edwin came out at about 9:20, just him with another guitar player and a sax/wind instrument player (sadly, i cannot remember their names). they put on a great show for about 2 1/2 hours and i don't think that i've ever enjoyed a concert more! i didn't know every song, being that i'm not a die hard fan...but i knew enough of the songs he did. i plan on making this a regular thing whenever he comes to town, it was well worth the near $24 that i paid for the ticket. and today i'm walking around listening to his cd's on my mp3 player, remembering the great time i had last night and really looking forward to seeing him again!

Friday, January 23, 2009

so much for resolutions!

well, obviously, i'm no good at keeping resolutions! i haven't blogged in 3 weeks and i was supposed to blog at least once a am i awful! but my excuses are really good...i promise! i've been busy (sitting on my ass and doing other things), i've got no time (because i'm sitting on my ass doing other things), i'm taking care of the house (not really, i'm neglecting that, too), and i'm spending more time with the family (again, not really...we do spent time together, it's just not getting in my way to blog). alright, well, maybe they are just excuses...not good in any way!

i have slightly been sticking to a workout routine of going to the y at least 4 times a week...except that this week i haven't gone at all! i did do the wii fit a couple days this week, but other than that i haven't done much of a workout. now, in my defense, jordan was sick earlier in the week and then i got sick as well...which is par for the course with a sick child. seems to be, at least in my house, that once one child gets sick, it's only a matter of days before we all get that same sickness but in different forms! during the cold and flu season it's almost like a merry-go-round...the illness just goes round and round in some vicious, runny nose, coughing cycle! i should feel blessed that at least it's not a stomach virus...those can be so much fun; watching the various stages of the virus taking a different toll on each of us! it makes me uneasy and nauseous just thinking about it!

so, that's where i am tonight...sick from the illness that my daughter started and feeling less than thin because i've been eating whatever i want, but not exercising like i should! but, hey i feel ok with all that...part of my liking myself more, no matter what! i'll make the same empty promise to blog more, make a fresh start of the resolution...hey, it's still january and i have the right to fall off the resolution wagon once! but, that's ultimately what it will empty promise that will no doubt be broken yet again! here goes, anyway, with the real hope that i will blog at least once a week and stick to that resolution. i'm kinda tired of breaking resolutions so it's time for a fresh start!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I've made a new decision!

I've decided that I'm going to like me and my body just the way they are...stretch marks, flabby skin, sagging small boobs and all! Now, this may very well be the wine talking (I've had a couple glasses tonight), but I have reached that decision none the less. I am going to be happy (or happier) with the body that i have right now. Yes, I will still exercise, but I won't kill myself trying to be something that I clearly am not inclined to be. I will exercise merely for the health benefits and the eating cookies and french fries benefit!

I will not beat myself up if I don't make it to the y every day of the week, as long as I make it 4 days and do other physical activities throughout the week I will be fine. I will walk around naked more...well, as long as the kids aren't around since they're reaching the age were mom doesn't need to be naked around them! And I, more importantly, will be comfortable in my own skin! I have realized, ever so slowly, that I really shouldn't complain so much about my weight. After all, I am the same weight now that I was when I was 18, give or take 5 pounds. I've had 2 kids and gained 45+ pounds with each pregnancy and to be near my high school weight after all that should make me do back flips...if I could do back flips, that is!

So, for my own continued bouts of sanity, I'm going to be happy and content with the way I look right now. Of course, if I happen to lose that last 5-10 pounds while not really caring, then so much the better for me...but I'm not going to stress over it. I have a daughter who is growing up and I don't want her to have the same messed up body image that I had. I want her to see that exercise is good for you and that it's ok to eat french fries, cookies, cake, and brownies on occasion. Exercise is good, these are words that I must repeat daily to myself as well! And I will be happy just the way I am!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year! New Plans! New Attitude!

Well, we're 6 days into the new year and i've finally gotten around to blogging again! i was awful about working out during the last 3 weeks and i'm feeling it now when i finally get to the gym.

i have decided that i'm renewing my commitment to blogging at least once a week, just can't seem to make the commitment of daily blogging! and i will also be working out 5 days a week...either at the y or at home with the new wii fit that i got for christmas! so now i have no excuse for missing exercising!

i'd like to lose that last 10lbs that just don't seem to want to go away. granted it would probably be easier if i started eating better and exerecised, but i just can't seem to give up pop tarts, cookies, and french fries! so this is my year to recommit myself to working out and eating better...not neccessarily cutting out treats, just limiting them more!

so, while jordan plays with the various boxes hanging around the living room from christmas, i'll make out my mental to do list...making sure to put cleaning up the living room very close to the top! for now i'm off to implement my new plan and get myself to the y for a much needed, sweat inducing workout!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

change is good!

i decided to make some changes and thought my hair would be the easiest place to start! i was getting tired of it being so long and red, so i got it cut and colored it darker. now, the color is supposed to be dark brown but it comes across more as black. i'm alright with that though since i was really, really ready for a change! and the hair cut is going towards a good cause and being sent to locks of love, all 12inches.

i've been doing pretty well with my workouts...i get to the y at least 4 times a week. my goal is 5, but some days i just don't have the motivation! of course these days with my procrastination habit and the fact that it's christmas time, it's a wonder i even get out of the house with all the things i have to do! i'm getting things done though and even plan on visiting a ymca while we're in ga so that i don't mess up my workout. i know that if i stop going too many days i'll just give up and i really don't want to do that now...especially since i can't stop eating cookies this time of year!

so, change is good and i hope this one step towards change will lead me down the path to more not procrastinating!